Incidental Sightings
Anas platyrhynchos
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. We spotted a flock of about a dozen mallards swimming on the St. Joseph River. Our most commonly seen duck, at least in developed areas, yes, I’ve seen these guys before, but this will count as my first documented sighting.
American Black Duck
Anas rubripes
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. This bird was spotted in the company of the dozen or so mallards we spotted swimming in the St. Joseph River during a Christmas Bird Count. If not for the expert skills of Rob Venner, I’d have never noticed the difference.
California Scrub Jay
Aphelocoma californica obscura
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. These birds were common in our neighborhood. At least once, my mother rescued a bird that had fallen from the nest, and raised it. The bird, named Blue Boy, was kept as a pet until it was unfortunately killed by one of our dogs (a German shepherd who was re-homed soon after the incident).

Tufted Titmouse
Baeolophus bicolor
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard. I have seen as many as five at one time, often associating with the chickadees. These are charming little birds, as well.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Canada Goose
Branta canadensis maxima
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. Although I’ve seen these geese before, this is my first documented sighting. I’ve actually seen LOTS of them – singly, in pairs, families with juveniles, and in flocks of several hundred – in flight, on the ground, and in the water. Very common. But pretty!
Great Horned Owl
Bubo virginianus
- ☆October 31, 1971: Los Angeles, CA☆. This owl is the first wild bird I have a clear memory of seeing. On Halloween night when I was around five years old, I was trick-or-treating with some neighborhood children (and parents) when an owl flew down right in front of us and landed in the middle of the Holzer’s front yard. It made a big impression on me, especially since the bird seemed to be about the same size that I was at the time. How can you forget an event like that? This early birding experience definitely made an impact on my young psyche, probably predisposing me to my current fascination with birds, and maybe especially owls.
- 1970s: Los Angeles, CA. For many years a large Great Horned Owl lived in the eucalyptus tree in the empty field across the street from my house. Although I often played in that field and even climbed that tree, I didn’t see the owl very often. There were, however, a number of occasions when I did, including at least two times on Halloween.

Red-tailed Hawk
Buteo jamaicensis borealis
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard. A pair lives in our neighborhood and I often view them soaring together or being mobbed by crows.
Buteo jamaicensis calurus
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. I was familiar with this bird as a child, as one could often be seen flying over the Ballona Wetlands, just across Culver Blvd. from our neighborhood.
Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to Metea Lane. Actually, this was the first bird I noticed upon moving to Indiana in 1991. I had never seen these gorgeous birds before and they are abundant here. On occasion, I have called them into the yard by whistling. It was probably cardinals which got me interested in birding – Not long after we moved into the house, I put up a few bird feeders and when the birds started coming, I had to find out what they were called. And that’s how I started out on this glorious (and sometimes consuming) passtime!
- December 19, 1992 Niles, Berrien County, MI Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura aura
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. This was another bird often spotted soaring over the wetlands and Hughes Aircraft property.
Rock Dove
Columba livia
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. I’ve seen lots of street pigeons – these feral birds who have taken over most of human civilization. Although they aren’t technically pure rock doves, which only breed on rocky coastal areas in some parts of the world, I’ve got to have somewhere to list them! This is my first documented sighting.
American Crow
Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard. A large colony lives in our neighborhood and they are very common throughout the area.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Blue Jay
Cyanocitta cristata
- ☆1991/92:Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard. Noisy, but I like their boldness and they certainly are beautiful.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Downy Woodpecker
Dryobates pubescens
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard, especially in winter. I have learned to identify both their whinny call and their single note chip.
Brewer’s Blackbird
Euphagus cyanocephalus
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. These birds were also common in our yard, and I have photos of at least one bird that my mother rescued and raised in our home.

House Finch
Haemorhous mexicanus frontalis
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. My mother rescued and raised a few House Finches (although she called them Linnets) that fell from nests in our yard before they were fledged. One, whom she called “Peeper,” was a family pet for a number of years. I remember the bird taking seeds my mother held between her lips, which was pretty cute.
- 1991/92: Osceola, IN. Regular visitor to the backyard.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.

Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus
- ☆December 23, 1986: Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, FL☆. While riding on a bus through the space center, during the tour the driver pointed out a number of nests. We saw adults and young in the nests, although from quite a distance. Even so, these birds are so impressive, I have never forgotten that experience. One of my earliest birding adventures!

Slate-colored/Dark-eyed Junco
Junco hyemalis hyemalis
- ☆Winter, 1991: Osceola, IN☆. Regular winter visitor. I always enjoy these cute little birds hopping about in the yard, and miss them when they leave again in the spring.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Melanerpes carolinus
- ☆Winter, 1991: Osceola, IN☆. Seen and heard throughout the winter in the yard. This bird (we suspected it was always the same individual) was a regular and favorite visitor to our feeders and trees. We even had a name for him . . . Chubby, I think.
Northern Mockingbird
Mimus polyglottos polyglottos
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. These birds were present in my neighborhood. I also have lots of memories of Mockingbirds at my grandparents’ house in Westchester. There was usually one singing perched on the wires above the swimming pool – it seemed that little fella was ALWAYS singing, often in the middle of the night, to the point of being annoying, at times.
Brown-headed Cowbird
Molothrus ater ater
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Seen in the yard.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. I learned about the parasitic nesting habits of this bird today, which makes them somewhat less appealing. At least they are natives, however, which still puts them ahead of starlings and house sparrows.
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. Believe it or not, another first documented sighting of an extraordinarily common bird. I’m not sure I’d ever really noticed them before, in terms of trying to identify them. My life House Sparrows were seen foraging in a bush near the entry way to a local McDonald’s. Fitting. Rob explained to me that these, along with starlings, are not native birds, but were introduced to the US within the last couple of hundred years, and that both are dreadful pests, out-competing some of our native birds. Yuck.
Atlantic Brown Pelican
Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis
- ☆December 23, 1986: Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, FL☆. These birds are plentiful in Florida, and I saw many of them during my first trip there. I had also seen these birds regularly growing up in southern California, but I’m going to consider this my first documented sighting. (And my first sighting of the eastern subspecies).
Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular winter visitor. There seem to be fewer of them in spring and summer. So tiny and cute and fun to watch.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
White-breasted Nuthatch
Sitta carolinensis carolinensis
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the yard. A pair nested in the neighborhood, and I was able to watch the entire family (including juveniles) come and feed in our yard. What fun!
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. This bird was spotted in the parking lot at one of the nature preserves we stopped at. It was a juvenile, and unusual for this time of the year. A nice bird to have so early in my birding career! 🙂
American Goldfinch
Spinus tristis tristis
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard. Bright and pretty.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris
- ☆December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI☆. Although these birds are abundant, I’d not really noticed them much before. Rob Venner helped me learn to identify them in flight as birds with a short, stubby tail. It’s worked ever since! The first view of them I remember was of a flock congregated on a telephone wire, moving about restlessly as they are wont to do.
Mourning Dove
Zenaida macroura marginella
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Regular visitor to the backyard, one whose call I can identify. Although they seem sort of drab from a distance, when you get a good close look, you notice that their colors are subtle and beautiful. Really attractive birds when seen close up.
- December 19, 1992: Niles, Berrien County, MI. Seen during Christmas Bird Count.
Other Wildlife and Plants
American Alligator
Alligator mississippiensis
- ☆December 23, 1986: Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, FL☆. Saw my first alligators while walking through Merritt Island State Park. LOVE THEM!
Nine-banded Armadillo
Dasypus novemcinctus
- ☆December 23, 1986: Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, FL☆. This little critter was seen at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. I have only a dim memory of it, but my aunt recently reminded me that she and I saw an Armadillo together when I’d visited her in Florida all these years ago. OH YEAH!
Southern Alligator Lizard
Elgaria multicarinata
- 1970s: Los Angeles, CA. I have a very clear memory of my dad finding this lizard in the front yard shrubbery between our house and the next door neighbor’s. He showed me the lizard, and called it an “alligator lizard,” but I don’t have a clear enough memory of the animal itself to know if my father was correct with the ID, or if he had mis-identified a fence lizard.
Tasmanian Blue Gum
Eucalyptus globulus
- 1970s: Los Angeles, CA. Growing in the field across the street from my house, where I often played as a child. A Great Horned Owl lived in this tree for at least part of the time I lived in this neighborhood.

Pacific Harbor Seal
Phoca vitulina
- ☆March 31, 1991: Pier 39, San Francisco, California☆. Seen swimming near the boardwalk, alongside a California Sea Lion. Date approximate.
House Rat
Rattus rattus
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. I’m pretty sure that this is the common species of rat that was seen in my neighborhood. I believe they were nesting in palm trees, among other places. I have memories of them walking along the top of the wall between our house and the neighbors, and at least one got into the house and caused quite a panic.
Western Fence Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis
- ☆1970s: Los Angeles, CA☆. This was the lizard most commonly seen in my neighborhood.
Coast Redwood
Sequoia sempervirens
- 1970s: Los Angeles, CA. We had a magnificent Coast Redwood growing in our front yard. It surely was planted as an ornamental at some point in the past, but when I lived in the house, it was probably 75 feet tall – definitely the tallest tree in the vicinity. I loved that tree, and was heartbroken to discover that subsequent owners of the house had it removed.

Eastern Cottontail
Sylvilagus floridanus
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Rabbits have been regular visitors to our yard and have nested in our back patch at various times. They are so cute!
Eastern Chipmunk
Tamias striatus
- ☆1991/92: Osceola, IN☆. Chipmunks were resident on our property. I first noticed them when I discovered that the strawberries I’d been growing in the back garden had been nibbled. Later, a few of them moved into the garage, where we’d been storing some bird seed. They actually weren’t a bother, so we allowed them to stay in the garage. Super cute.
California Sea Lion
Zalophus californianus
- ☆March 31 1991: Pier 39, San Francisco, California☆. Seen swimming near the boardwalk. Date approximate.