Falco peregrinus
June 26, 1993: South Bend, St. Joseph County, IN
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum) I spent most of one day monitoring a number of released birds as part of a Peregrine Release Program. It was marvelous! I watched a total of 5 or 6 birds on and off all morning and early afternoon. Not only was it wonderful being able to see these birds, but I also felt as though I playing a part in the human effort to conserve and promote the welfare of this species.

October 20, 1994: Everglades, Broward County, FL
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum) This bird was spotted over the glades, and identified by Chris. I didn’t get a really close look, however.
January 20, 1995: Blue Spring State Park, Volusia County, FL
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum) After leaving Blue Springs, as we were driving through the Florida Panhandle in the afternoon, we saw a bird that I’m pretty sure was a Peregrine. It was sitting on the fence which separated the highway from the adjacent property. Saw this bird later on the same day that we visited Blue Springs.
July 9, 1996: Glendalough, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Eurasian (Falco peregrinus peregrinus) While we walked through the ruins near the lake, I spotted a single Peregrine. Beautiful!

October 3, 2002: Aberlady Bay Local Nature Reserve, East Lothian, Scotland
Eurasian (Falco peregrinus peregrinus)I was pleased to spot this bird – it was quite a distance away, sitting on a bit of wood out in the sand flats. I had heard that there was one being seen at the reserve, and I was glad to have been able to spot it myself.
October 2, 2004: Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District, Marin County, CA
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum)This bird was desperate to get the hawk away from its towers, and called and chased for a good half an hour, at least. Finally, the peregrine managed to get the hawk to move along. In the meantime, we got some great views of them fighting in the air, plus, I had probably the best look at a wild peregrine I’ve ever had, through my scope. Coolness! It was a very good day for raptors.
December 11, 2004: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda, CA
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum)This juvenile bird flew overhead. I’d have missed it if another birder hadn’t pointed it out.

January 9, 2005: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda, CA
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum)This bird flew overhead, and was called by several people. It had a noticeably full crop.

August 1, 2011: Shollenberger Park, Sonoma County, CA
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum)
August 18, 2012: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Chinatown
North American (Falco peregrinus anatum)
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