Aix sponsa
May 14, 1994: South Bend, IN
Flushed a pair out of hiding from a stream on St. Mary’s property. I also had a really close up look at a male woodie who was apparently helping a female mallard raise her chicks at one of the Notre Dame lakes. Interesting behavior; I don’t know if the chicks were his or if he was just helping out.
July 24, 1994: DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Harrison County, IA
May 13, 1995: Baugo Creek, St. Joseph County, IN
The first birds of the day. I startled a pair of woodies out during their early morning activities when I went to the edge of the creek via the small path near the on-street parking area. I imagine I was the first person through there that day, because I’d never seen wood ducks in the park before – presumably they’d already been scared away before I’d arrived on other days.
August 30, 1995: Merry Lea Environmental Center, Noble County, IN
At first I had trouble identifying the females, until I remembered about that white eye ring. These birds were in the same swampy area as the herons, but they were much more shy – didn’t let me get more than glimpses.
July 12, 1997: Baugo Creek, St. Joseph County, IN
Spotted a lone female while canoeing. Kevin was excited, having never seen one before. That distinctive eye ring made her easy to ID, now that I’ve learned that marking.

July 13, 1997: Aphrodite’s Woods, St. Joseph, MI, United States
I spotted a female Wood Duck and several chicks (three or four) on the lake, but they headed into hiding in the reeds as soon as they saw me.
December 25, 1997: Saddlebrooke, Pinal County, AZ
A single female woodie was associating with the mallards.
March 20, 1998: Deer Run, Clayton, NC
A big surprise today . . . first thing in the morning (a beautiful foggy morning), Kevin and I were in the sunroom when a pair of ducks flew through the yard. Unable to see them clearly, I said (jokingly) I wish they’d be nice and come back. And they did! This time I got a good look in the binoculars – a pair of Wood Ducks! I really wouldn’t have expected to see ducks in the woods, but I guess that’s how they got their name! The two flew around for a few minutes, then perched high up in one of the trees. It was wonderful for Kevin – this was the first time he’d really gotten a good look at a male Woodie, and they are so beautiful! Perhaps they will nest nearby, what with the stream running behind our property.
June 21, 1998: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Charlton County, GA
June 30, 1998: Fort Caroline National Memorial, Duval County, FL
July 1, 1998: Theodore Roosevelt Area, Duval County, FL
April 15, 2011: Safari West, Sonoma County, CA
Spotted a pair (M&F) of these lovely ducks on the small lake near the rhino enclosure. There were others that appear to be part of the collection, but because of the location of this pair, I assume they were wild birds.

August 18, 2012: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
April 15, 2022: Safari West, Sonoma County, CA
While there are wood ducks in the collection, we saw two wild ones, near the rhino enclosure near the start of the safari tour.
Let me know what you think!