Alectoris rufa
May 17, 2001: Capel Fleet Raptor Viewpoint, Kent, England
We spotted these birds on the other side of a hedge. As our car drove by, it startled them into running along the hedge, but we were unable to get a good view because the hedge was in the way. There was little traffic on the road, so we stopped to see if we could locate them again. I assumed they were gray partridge – same size and general color – but when we finally spotted one we discovered that they were red-legged partridges, a new bird for both of us! By the time I got a good look, only one bird was visible and only its head at that, poking up from behind a fallen log. A very striking profile though, with the white and black markings on the face and a very distinctly red bill. I didn’t get to see the red legs however, because the bird didn’t come out from behind the log again while we watched. A pretty little bird, and fun to chase down and see.
Let me know what you think!