Anser albifrons
December 4, 2004: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, CA
Three of these birds flew overhead, and I might have ignored them, except that I overhead a teacher telling one of her students (I think it was a Cal Berkeley class doing wetlands restoration) that they were white fronted geese. So, I snapped off a few pictures – not great, but good enough to see the white rim on the edge of the tail.
December 11, 2004: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, CA
These geese are frequently seen at the regional shoreline, sometimes in large numbers.
January 9, 2005: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, CA
January 30, 2005: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, CA

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