Trichoglossus moluccanus moluccanus
April 11, 2005 Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales
OMG, what a thrill to see the flashes of red and green when these birds flew, and I realized that for the first time ever I was seeing psittacines in their natural habitat! And these are such beautiful birds – bright blue, green and red. They’re very active and noisy, flying about in smallish flocks (maybe up to 10 or so birds) while calling to one another. What fun! I just love these birds!
April 12, 2005: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales
April 13, 2005: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales
Saw more of these birds, including what appeared to be an adult feeding a fledged juvenile, and a bird with its head peeking out of a hole in a tree. They are so colorful and beautiful! I love to see them flying around. 15 seen.

April 15, 2005: Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia
Didn’t expect to see these birds here, as they don’t appear to be on the map at first glance, but when I saw what I was sure were lorikeets, I took another look, and sure enough, they are found just in Perth – the only place in the western half of the continent where they are found.
April 16, 2005: Subiaco Park, Subiaco, Western Australia
No shortage of lorikeets here, in fact, noisy flocks of these birds woke me up every morning at Helen and Daniel’s. So pretty.
April 17, 2005: Lake Monger Reserve, Western Australia

April 18, 2005: Flagstaff Hill, Onkaparinga, South Australia
April 18, 2005: Subiaco Park, Subiaco, Western Australia
Spotted from the window of H & D’s home, on our last morning in town.
April 19, 2005: Flagstaff Hill, Onkaparinga, South Australia
April 21, 2005: Kangaroo Island, South Australia
April 22, 2005: Wittunga Botanic Garden, Mitcham, South Australia

May 1, 2005: Belair National Park, South Australia

May 6, 2005: Belair National Park, South Australia
Let me know what you think!