Anhinga novaehollandiae novaehollandiae
April 12, 2005: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales
Just spotted one of these birds, flying by as I was walking along the path towards the Opera House. Still, such a pretty bird. Hopefully I’ll see others, as I’ve always enjoyed the anhingas in Florida.

April 23, 2005: Murray River, Paringa, South Australia
Spotted several of these along the river, including several young birds being fed by their parents.
April 24, 2005: Whirlpool Corner, South Australia
April 25, 2005: Chowilla Game Reserve, South Australia
Saw a female feeding a next of chicks.

April 26, 2005: Higgins Cutting, Wentworth, New South Wales
April 27, 2005: Chowilla Game Reserve, South Australia
April 27, 2005: Higgins Cutting, Wentworth, New South Wales
April 27, 2005: Scottie’s Billabong, Mildura, Victoria, Australia
April 28, 2005: Chowilla Game Reserve, South Australia
April 29, 2005: Murray River, Paringa, South Australia
April 30, 2005: Banrock Station, South Australia

May 2, 2005: Cleland Conservation Park, Adelaide Hills, South Australia, Australia

Let me know what you think!