Phyllorhynchus decurtatus
May 12, 2011: Kelbaker Road, San Bernardino County, CA
I spotted this small (~60 cm) snake as it was crossing Kelbaker Road during a night drive. Found at 2.9 mi. Distinctive triangular patch on face.
May 13, 2022: Kelbaker Road, San Bernardino County, CA
Only one animal was seen across all three vans this night: a Western leaf-nosed snake. The woman driving our van spotted it in the middle of the road, looking like a stick – but a just weird enough stick that she thought we should stop. Good thing we did, as it was WONDERFUL to see this little cutie pie. This is a delicate snake with subtle coloration, and the distinctive patch on the front of the face that gives this species its name.

Let me know what you think!