October 22, 2011
Today, Field Herpetology returned for a second visit to Boggs Lake, to excavate another Western Pond Turtle nest that we had located during our field season back in June, in order to raise the baby turtles long enough to determine their sex, as part of an ongoing research study. In addition to the turtles, we saw a good variety of other wildlife, as well.
Not long after arriving, we found this relatively small Rough-skinned Newt under a rock near one of the Manzanita bushes right near the main path to the grassy meadow next to the lake. This is the first time I’ve found a newt at this site, and it was so small and adorable! It was interesting to watch it perform its characteristic aposematic display, letting us see the bright orange on its ventral side, advertising (truthfully!) toxicity.

Near where we found the newt, we also spotted a large European Mantis, who turned out to be extremely photogenic. Another great find was a Western Forest Scorpion under a rock.

In the little meadow down at the edge of the (currently dry) lake, we found this gorgeous Valley Gartersnake in the area where turtles usually exit the water. We had a great close-up look at this gorgeous snake. Identified by labial scales, and proportional size of the eyes.

We excavated one of the nests in the big meadow closest to the parking area, and everyone was thrilled to see such adorable baby turtles! I was pleased with some of the photos I took, as well (and have been including this baby turtle in various presentations ever since. It never fails to get an, “Awwwwwwww!” out of the audience).

Species List
Rough-skinned Newt (Taricha granulosa), European Mantis (Mantis religiosa), Western Forest Scorpion (Uroctonus mordax), Sierran Tree Frog (Pseudacris sierra), Western Skink (Plestiodon skiltonianus), Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata), Valley Gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchii)
Let me know what you think!