Taxidea taxus
May 15, 2022: Northern California
On our way home from Zzyzx, once we’d made it further north (right around dusk), we saw a road killed badger on the median of the highway. I came close to breaking into tears. Such a magnificent animal dead on the side of the road, and the first one I’d ever seen in the wild. I wouldn’t have chosen for my first badger to be dead, but it just gives me more incentive to go out and find some living ones in the near future. No photo, but this is the location.

June 2, 2022: Bodega Marine Lab
Numerous badger holes dot the grassland atop the cliff, making it important to watch one’s footing. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to spot any badgers, although one of the others in my group did see one on the last night we were staying in the dormitories.

Let me know what you think!