Actinemys marmorata
March 11, 2022: Sonoma State University
Several were seen in the water, and basking on the edges of the Commencement Lake.

May 2, 2022: San Geronimo Creek, Marin County
This was the most exciting moment of the day. Right as we were returning to the vans to head home from Roy’s Riffles, some students found a tiny baby western pond turtle on the path. It must have just emerged from its nest, and was heading to the pond for the first time. OMG SO CUTE AND TINY! I’d forgotten just how small they are. The students who were able to see the turtle absolutely LOVED it (and so did I). I think it’s also spectacularly good news that this relatively young restoration site has nesting pond turtles. I’m not sure everyone else understood quite how exciting this is. (Although me kind of literally squealing about it might have been a clue).

May 20, 2022: Sonoma State Vertebrate Biology BioBlitz

Let me know what you think!