Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)
Spiny Star, Bivalve, and Sea Urchin
Sketched in Procreate as an assignment for “Drawing Nature, Science and Culture” at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Elk (Cervus canadensis) in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Sketched in Procreate for “Drawing Nature, Science and Culture” at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Brushes: 4H Pencil, Rough Graphite Shader, Kneaded Eraser
12 hours; 27,125 total strokes
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Procreate, a second iteration of a painting I did several years ago
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Procreate, work-in-progress. This is part of a true story that I am in the process of illustrating.
Survivorship Curves
Procreate, featuring an African elephant, deer mouse, and grey grouper. There is also a coloring page version of this image here.
Energy For Life
Procreate. Nutrient and energy cycling through a Point Reyes, California, ecosystem, featuring Tule Elk and Bishop Pine. There is also a coloring page version of this image here.