Crouching Dragon
Painted in Procreate, for a Dragon Genetics activity designed to teach inheritance.

Hatching Dragon
Painted in Procreate, to accompany a Dragon Genetics activity designed to teach inheritance.

Purple Dragon
Painted in Procreate, for a Dragon Genetics activity designed to teach inheritance. Students randomly determine the alleles inherited by a baby dragon, and then make a phenotypically correct image. I make this available to them in a very simple doll-maker site.

Valley Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi) at Bogg’s Lake, Lake County, California

March, 2017 ~ Copeland Creek, on the Sonoma State University campus. Lots of water in this ephemeral creek right now after the recent rains. I love the sound it makes as the water rushes over the rocks.

March, 2017 – The bank of Copeland Creek, on the Sonoma State University campus.

Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
This is one of my earlier attempts at artwork on my iPad. I think I painted this in Procreate.

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