Ellis Creek with Vertebrate Biology

February 7, 2025
9:30 to 12:00
Sunny and cool

We had gorgeous weather – clear, sunny, around 50° F – for our first Vertebrate Biology field trip of the semester. We gathered in the parking lot at 9:30, so I could give an overview of what we’d be doing that day, and had plenty of birds to look at right away. One of my instructions for my students today especially was to focus on making good, accurate observations, and keeping track of the field marks that they see – shape, color, size (as much as it can be estimated), vocalizations, behavior, etc. I’ve asked them to include a description of every species we see today, even the common ones that we’ll probably see over and over throughout the semester. 

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Tidepooling at Campbell Cove

June 2 and 3, 2022

While staying at the Bodega Marine Laboratory for a workshop, and knowing that low tide would happen around 8 in the morning, a group of us decided to wake up early enough to do some tidepooling before breakfast. Well worth the effort. Campbell Cove was just a couple minutes’ drive from the dorms, and we arrived just after 6:30 to find a large expanse of beach exposed, along with the rocks that form the jetty. 

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Bodega Bay

August 27, 2008

Last Thursday, we took advantage of one of the last few days of summer to make a trip to the coast. I’d driven through Bodega Bay before (on our return trip from Mount St. Helens last year), but this is the first time I’d stopped and spent any time there. We had lunch in a bay-side restaurant, where we got to watch pelicans and seals and sea lions and cormorants and, yes, gulls who looked like they might go crazed and attack at any moment. 😉

Then, we went to the beach for a while, via the Bird Walk – a trail of about a mile (I’m guessing; maybe less, maybe a bit more, but probably less) which runs alongside a creek that flows into the ocean just south of the bay. It was a great day.

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