Bodega Bay

August 27, 2008

Last Thursday, we took advantage of one of the last few days of summer to make a trip to the coast. I’d driven through Bodega Bay before (on our return trip from Mount St. Helens last year), but this is the first time I’d stopped and spent any time there. We had lunch in a bay-side restaurant, where we got to watch pelicans and seals and sea lions and cormorants and, yes, gulls who looked like they might go crazed and attack at any moment. 😉

Then, we went to the beach for a while, via the Bird Walk – a trail of about a mile (I’m guessing; maybe less, maybe a bit more, but probably less) which runs alongside a creek that flows into the ocean just south of the bay. It was a great day.

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Belair National Park

May 1, 2005

On Kevin’s last day in Australia, we visited a local recreation area, Belair National Park. It’s a lovely park with all sorts of things to do and different habitats. We spent most of our time at the children’s play area (which Eclipse loved), but Mark, Vicky, Arran and I also went for a nice walk along one of the trails into the heart of the park. We saw loads of birds and several Koala. New species included Common Brown butterfly and Red-browed Finch.

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Banrock Station

April 30, 2005
Warm and dry (90° F)

On the way home from Renmark, we stopped to visit a Ramsar wetland complex called Banrock Station. I’d been looking forward to this hike throughout our the whole trip. It’s a beautiful location, but the weather was a bit too warm for my comfort during our long walk around the lake nearest to the café.

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Murray River

April 27 through 30, 2005

This morning marked the half-way point of our trip, which meant it was time to head west, back toward the Liba Liba base. Although we wouldn’t be going further upriver, we still had plenty of time left on the boat, and I knew we’d still have plenty of great things to see and do on the way back. Going back seemed to go more quickly (maybe it did, maybe it was just my imagination), but we did do some different things. We stopped at places we hadn’t visited before to go walking and looking for birds. And, of course, it just felt good to be on the boat, on the river, rolling along without a care in the world. Unsurprisingly, we mostly saw the same species that we’d seen on the way east, but there were a few surprises.

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Murray River

April 26, 2005

Today was the mid-point of our trip, and in the morning, we had to make a decision: should we keep going upriver and see new things? Or would we be better off turning back now, and then maybe going a ways past the Liba Liba base in the other direction? The area on the other side of the base was more developed – farmland, rather than wilderness, so we might see different birds . . . but definitely less chance of Emus, which were still at the top of my “to see” list. My companions left the choice up to me, and I decided that we should continue east for the rest of the day in favor of more wilderness. (Spoiler alert: this turned out to be a very good decision). 

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Scottie’s Billabong

April 26 and 27, 2005

In the early afternoon today, as we floated along, I spied through the trees a lake, separated from the river by just a narrow strip of land. Thinking that a lake might attract a somewhat different community of birds. So, we pulled the boat up to the river’s edge to get out and take a look. To be honest, I don’t know if it was even a public space; there was no signage or nature trails. After returning home, however, I was able to find it on a map and determine that it’s called Scottie’s Billabong.

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Murray River

April 25, 2005

Our third day on the river, we were still heading east. We spent the entire day floating through the Chowilla Game Reserve, mostly in South Australia, but toward the end of the day, we reached a point where the river was split right down the middle between Victoria (to the south) and South Australia (strangely, to the north). 

First thing in the morning, I saw a flock of Domestic Sheep who ran in the other direction when they saw me. Superb Fairy-wren were bopping around in the bushes, while Hooded Robin and Mallee Ringneck were up higher in the trees. Australasian Darter and Red-rumped Parrot were frequently seen along the river, and Welcome Swallow continued to swoop over the river alongside the boat.

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Murray River

April 24, 2005

I woke before dawn, as had become my habit in Australia, and went out for a solo walk right as the sun was coming up. Not only is this a great time to see birds, but I loved feeling like I was the only person awake for miles and miles. (And on this trip, I might have been the only person awake for miles and miles). This morning, my first bird of the day was an Australian Pelican swimming right near the boat, and during my walk I saw Yellow Rosella, Red-rumped Parrot, and Gray Fantail. Superb Fairy-wren and Striated Pardalote were foraging in bushes, and I heard a Laughing Kookaburra. I also enjoyed watching Black-faced Cuckooshrike playing and calling to one another very near the boat.

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