Branta hutchinsii
December 6, 2004: Lake Merritt, Alameda County, CA
(Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) In with the regular Canada Geese, I noticed a bird that was significantly smaller. About half the size of the others. I remembered hearing that Canada Geese had been split and guessed that I was looking at a life bird, although I didn’t know which one. Actually, split or not, I don’t remember ever seeing a Canada Goose this small, so it was a new bird either way. When I got home I discovered it was a Cackling Goose. Very cute.
December 11, 2004: MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline-Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, CA
(Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) Swimming in the marshy waters near shore with some Canada Geese.

April 15, 2019: Ellis Creek, Petaluma, CA
(Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) Field Biology field trip. Saw just one of these birds on one of the trails.
March 4, 2022: Ellis Creek, Petaluma, CA
(Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) There were several of these birds in with the Canada geese during our Vertebrate Biology field trip.

February 17, 2023: Ellis Creek, Petaluma, CA
(Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) A pair of these geese were foraging in the grassy areas to the west of the retention ponds, alongside some Canada Geese. It was easy to see the differences when the birds are side by side.

Let me know what you think!